Our CPD online learning software, CPDcloud is the perfect fit for hosting your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme or other short courses. The platform was developed through our partnership with Stellenbosch University institutions specifically for distance learning initiatives, and is currently used for hosting various online CPD courses in South Africa.
Automated assessment
Knowledge of the study material is assessed by means of online multiple choice questionnaires which are completed by learners in their own time. If the required pass rate was achieved, the activity will be marked as complete and the prescribed number of points awarded to the learner.
We also have CPD attendance tracking software whereby physical attendance to your sessions can be recorded through scanning name badges.
Stream on-demand videos
It is possible to upload or link to any documentation that you would like to make available to your learners. We’ve also included the option to live stream or add pre-recorded videos. Contact us should you require more information on this service.